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Category Archives: Comic Books

Dave On Spidey #2

Dan On Lobster Johnson

Mike on the Latest Darth Vader comic…

Dave Wonder, Web Spinner!

Allison Hearts Red Hood!

The Sort of Awesome Hulk

(A Very Late) Pick of the Week

Sorry this week’s pick is so late. We here at Hot Chick Comics were busy with the holidays. Of course, that included, reading piles and piles of comics. What was the fave of the week? Howling Commandos of Shield #2 was the best book to come out last week. Even though there are clones in […]

Pick O’ The Week

                    Millar’s new book Huck is Americana fab! How does a Brit understand US culture so well? I can’t wait to see where this goes.  

Jimmy’s Turn!

Pick O’ The Week

Image Comics’ Manifest Destiny is one twisted comic. Every new issue leaves me wondering what weird and fucked up shit I’m going to see this time. The book tells the “real” tale of what happened when Lewis and Clark set out to map the Western Frontier. Hint: it’s not the garden variety, high adventure we’ve […]