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(A Very Late) Pick of the Week

673822_dbd46b3822f3859778c503cb35adda349690618cSorry this week’s pick is so late. We here at Hot Chick Comics were busy with the holidays. Of course, that included, reading piles and piles of comics. What was the fave of the week?

Howling Commandos of Shield #2 was the best book to come out last week. Even though there are clones in this book, they are all Dum Dum Dugan and I can’t get me enough Dum Dum.

The book has a classic feel to it that really feels great. I liken it to Marvel books of the late 70s and early 80s. Clearly, Frank Barbiere knows his comics history. The pencils by Brent Schoonover are gorgeous and pop off the page.

I hope this book sticks around for a while!!


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