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Tag Archives: Superior Spider Man

Pick of the Week

This week’s Pick of the Week is the final chapter of Superior Spider Man. Peter Parker is back, Norman Osborn is…weird, Liz Allan is evil and still, all is right with the world. I was very skeptical about the whole Freaky Friday storyline of this book but it turned out to be one of my […]

Top Ten Books of the Week (3/31/2014)

Holy Free Holies was Superior Spider Man #30 incredible! A stunning reveal and a most welcome return make this the #1 book of the week. 1. Superior Spider-Man (Marvel) 2. Walking Dead (Image) 3. Protectors Inc. (Image) 4. Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel) 5. Doc Savage (Dynamite) 6. Miracleman (Marvel) 7. Starlight (Image) 8. Mercenary Sea […]


Superior Says Dave!

Team Up!

When I was a kid, my second favorite comic book was Marvel Team Up. Most of the reason for this was the fact that my favorite super hero (and favorite book) was the Amazing Spider Man. Each month, Spidey would join forces with some cool hero from the Marvel Universe and have a fantastically cool […]

The Return of Dave


I suppose my pick of the week is Superior Spider Man #2. I had a hunch Slott was going to do what he did and now we see that it’s actually happening. At the conclusion of Superior #1 we saw that Peter Parker did, in fact, survive in a sort of Dr. Strange like astral […]