I suppose my pick of the week is Superior Spider Man #2. I had a hunch Slott was going to do what he did and now we see that it’s actually happening. At the conclusion of Superior #1 we saw that Peter Parker did, in fact, survive in a sort of Dr. Strange like astral form and is hanging around the now Ock dominated mind of our hero. With this issue, it’s clear that he’s going to be a nagging force as the story progresses.
The problem I have with this is that it’s nothing new. Not only have people been killed off only to return in comics but souls and spirits in other media are always around. Obi Wan Kenobi…Dumbledore…this is a story that has been recycled over and over again. Slott is not breaking any new ground here.
Yet it is a fun read and it’s going to be interesting to see where he takes the story, particularly because Mary Jane is now a prominent character again. I really despised him for writing her out the way he did a few years ago.
So, pick up this book, roll your eyes, and just ignore how played it all is i.e. not superior!