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Sniffles and Sobs

1480547I’ve waited a few days to put up the Pick O’ the Week because I knew it what it was going to be and, I didn’t want to write about it. Why?

Because the last issue of Legion of Super Heroes came out and I think that really sucks…like crying inside of my heart sucks. Honestly, I feel like Brainy on the cover on the left.

I remember the first time I read the Legion back in the early 1980s. It was right after the book separated from Superboy and Paul Levitz had just started writing it. My dad worked at SIU down on Carbondale, IL and one of his students had a bunch of Legion issues that he loaned me to read while my dad was busy at the office. These were the first DC Comics I ever read as I was mainly a Marvel guy and I was shovel to the head stunned at how good they were. I’d always loved hard sci-fi and there it was complete with cool superheroes to boot.

I’ve followed them ever since and was pretty ticked off a few years ago when the book was cancelled for nearly a year. After all, these were iconic characters that were bedrocks of the DC Universe. They brought it back with Levitz at the helm again and then folded it into two new series with the New 52. Legion Lost was cancelled quickly and I could just sense the same fate for Legion of Super Heroes.

And now, with issue #23, we bid goodbye to the Legion yet again. I realize that low sales drove the decision but this really sucks, folks. I know I can always read the back issues and there are plenty of them that I don’t have but it won’t be the same each month without Saturn Girl, Lighting Lad, Cosmic Boy, Brainy, Mon-El, Duplicate Girl, Bouncing Boy and all the rest. The comic world needs futuristic heroes and it’s going to be a little less exciting without them.

Long live the Legion!

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