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Two Picks of the Week!

684589_c82e5158fabe1068c5872e8ad6d75bdae4e425a5684443_b2a3e584036fd27ea0ea7d9f4266c9ecf26f8687Two comics came out this week that were so awesome that I couldn’t choose between both of them. The Walking Dead #156 puts the spotlight on Negan and Alpha with an ending that would shock even the most ardent fans. I realize there’s a certain “wash-rinse-repeat” aspect to The Walking Dead, comic and show, that people consistently harp about but this latest issue puts that debate to rest. Every panel and every word was exciting and built up to a ridiculously awesome conclusion leading to a very large question. What is Negan up to? I can’t wait to find out!

Amazing Spider Man #15 is another gem out this week. The cover, by Alex Ross, sets the tone for a rollicking good time as MJ rides to the rescue of Spidey and Shellhead, held in the clutches of Regent. The interior art in this issue was what really struck me the most. Giuseppe Camuncoli has grown tremendously over the years and I find him to be an excellent steward to my all time favorite character.

Pick up both of these issues, now!!

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